Rules for content use

All the content (photo-, video -, graphics, informational, ect) that is uploaded on the site wwfc.ua is property of its respective owners and is posted on the website legally.

Copying of information posted on the website wwfc.ua (as well as quoting particular information or messages from the information sections of the site or\and using content from the website) is permitted only if the link to the source of the information is provided respectively (hyperlinks to the corresponding Internet page with a unique network address for network media)

Organizations wishing to place a hyperlink to the website wwfc.ua with an intent to use it as an element of the information (content) structure of their Internet resource, as well as a graphic link (banner), must notify the administration of the website.

Written permission from the website administration is obligatory when posting any kind of graphic links (banners) on any other Internet source.

By clicking on hyperlinks on the website that transfer the user to external links, the user leaves the WWFC website. Editorial stuff of the site does not hold any responsibility for the accuracy of the information, posted on wwfc.ua external resources as well as for the updating and frequency of refreshing of relevant information in their composition.

All the questions related to the use of information posted on wwfc.ua or the terms of this document are to be addressed to the administration of the website in the “Contacts” section.